I'd like to try these myself—sans the champagne and porter. I just need to get an ice-cream maker first. More recipes from We All Scream.
If many of my instagram photos and tweets recently revolve around food, it's because I've been obsessing over (alternative-food?) recipes.
It started ever since my older sister was tested for Food Intolerance. We all get the same reaction after reading the test results—for us or for others—wondering what's left to eat when you can't consume the most common ingredients: dairy, wheat, eggs, yeast, gluten, etc.
Eating out becomes a challenge—you can't control what goes in the food you're ordering. So you're left to buy and cook your own food, since you can monitor the ingredients.
I've been experimenting with cooking and baking, with the former being more successful than the latter. I've yet to try things like Tofu omelette, and Wheat-Egg-Dairy-Gluten-Yeast-free pancakes.
I thought getting this book would solve my lack of baked goods, but it's never that easy. The first baking trial of Blondies ended up dry (but not Biscotti dry) and smelling like dough. To be fair, the author stated she prefers certain ingredient brands over others, so we probably didn't have ingredients stellar enough to make a successful batch.